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HARTFORD: Public Hearing on Marriage Bill


The CT legislature’s Judiciary Committee is holding a
public hearing on the Marriage Codification bill! 

Friday, March 6 at 10am
 Room 2C of the Legislative Office Building
For directions, click here

We want to fill the hearing room with our yellow EQUALITY stickers on Friday to show legislators and Governor Rell that Connecticut is proud of our new law allowing same-sex couples to marry.


SB 899, An Act Implementing the Guarantee of Equal Protections Under the Constitution of the State for Same-Sex Couples, will:

--Conform our state statutes to the Supreme Court’s ruling in Kerrigan and remove all “DOMA-like” language.
--Provide for recognition, by the state of Connecticut, of marriages, civil unions, and domestic partnerships from other states which provide substantially similar benefits to marriage.
--Urge other states to recognize all of Connecticut’s marriages.
--Remove demeaning language that was included in statute with the passage of the “gay rights law” in 1991.
--Clarify the status of civil unions, merging them into marriages after October 2010.

Can you make it? E-mail Matt at matt@lmfct.org and let us know.

Can’t attend? Then e-mail your legislators and urge them to support this bill! Take action here.


Date: Friday, March 6, 2009
Time: 10:00 AM


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